Peanut Butter Candy

Peanut Butter Candy

Peanut Butter Candy Author Tiffany Sara Lacey Patterson 1 cup peanut butter 1 cup corn syrup ¼ cup powder milk 1 ¼ cups powdered sugar Mix together Then take a little and put it in a ball. Then put it in container and cover with wax paper in the refrigerator...
Pan Fried Trout

Pan Fried Trout

It seemed so simple whenever Grandpa made it, we would go fishing, and if we caught something we would rush home and have it for Dinner, the truth, there is nothing like fresh caught trout. One of the best ways to coat the fish completely in flour or whatever batter...
Dan’s Carrot Salad

Dan’s Carrot Salad

Daniel Francis Doty Carrot Salad Dan’s Carrot Salad Wash and peel the outside of 4 cups of fresh shredded carrots 1 cup raisins Salad dressing: 1 cup Real Mayonnaise and to that add 1/8 to ¼ cup of sugar Mix well and let sit to dissolve together Right before serving...
Pie Crust

Pie Crust

Kathleen Violet DeBorde (Record) Pie Crust Kathy Record’s Pie Crust 2 ½ Cups of flour 1 1/3 cup shortening Cut together till small and crumbly And make a paste of the following: 16 teaspoons of flour ½ cup of water 2 tsp of salt And combine together and then roll out...
Red Velvet Cake

Red Velvet Cake

Kathleen Violet DeBorde (Record) Red Velvet Cake Aunt Kathy’s Red Velvet Cake (The REAL Deal) ½ cup shortening 1 ½ cups sugar 2 eggs ½ cup red food coloring (Expensive but worth it!) 2 tsp Cocoa 1 tsp Vanilla 1 tsp Salt 1 Cup buttermilk 2 ¼ cups sifted flour 1 tsp...